Candle magic

Published: March 7, 2023

Candle magic is an ancient practice that involves using candles to manifest desires, intentions, and goals. It is a form of sympathetic magic, which means that the candle represents the desired outcome and the flame represents the energy needed to make it happen. In this blog, we’ll explore the basics of candle magic and how to incorporate it into your spiritual practice.

Choosing the Right Candle
The first step in candle magic is choosing the right candle. You can use any color or size of candle, but certain colors and scents are associated with specific intentions. For example, white candles represent purity and new beginnings, while red candles are associated with love and passion. It’s important to choose a candle that resonates with your intention and energy.

Preparing the Candle
Once you’ve chosen your candle, it’s time to prepare it for your spell. This involves cleansing the candle to remove any negative energy and dressing it with oils, herbs, or crystals to amplify its energy. You can use any essential oil or herb that aligns with your intention, such as lavender for relaxation or rosemary for clarity. You can also carve symbols or words onto the candle to reinforce your intention.

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Setting Intentions
Before lighting the candle, take a few moments to set your intention. Focus your mind on your desire and visualize it coming to fruition. You can also say a prayer or affirmation to strengthen your intention and align your energy with the candle’s energy.

Lighting the Candle
When you’re ready, light the candle and allow it to burn for a set amount of time, depending on your intention. You can let the candle burn all the way down or extinguish it when you feel that your intention has been released into the universe. It’s important to be present and focused while the candle is burning, as this is when the energy is being released into the universe.

Closing the Ritual
After the candle has burned down or been extinguished, take a few moments to express gratitude and release any attachments to the outcome. You can also dispose of the remains of the candle in a way that aligns with your intention, such as burying it in the earth or disposing of it in running water.

Incorporating Candle Magic into Your Spiritual Practice
Candle magic can be incorporated into your spiritual practice in a variety of ways. You can use it to set intentions for the day, perform a weekly ritual, or work on a specific goal or desire. The key is to align your energy with the energy of the candle and trust that the universe will manifest your intention in the perfect way and time.

In conclusion, candle magic is a powerful and accessible form of magic that can be incorporated into any spiritual practice. By choosing the right candle, preparing it with intention, setting your intention, and releasing it into the universe, you can harness the power of candle magic to manifest your desires and achieve your goals.

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